The yacht race 11th Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel is sloped to be one of the closest in the event history following the withdrawal of Black Jack.

The race showed the participation of thirty two yachts on which 300 yachters were there. At 11am, the yachts were set out from Brisbane, however, one of the favorite Black Jack wasn’t able to register its presence, because of some technical difficulties that could not be remedied in time.
General Manager of Keppel Bay Marina, Kylie Smith said,” This race is going to be spectacular for the spectators, and also thrilling, if the Land Rover Sydney to Gold Coast race finish on time and Supermaxi Wild Oats XI got the chance to cross re-enact in the Brisbane to Keppel race.”
“Our expectations are to keep the competition fierce with the front runners, which included the 86 years old classic yacht designed by Sparkman & Stephens, the US competitor ‘Dorade’, Ms Smith said.
“The field of 32 yachts will travel the distance of 343 nautical miles, with the pack’s leaders anticipated to arrive in the bay of Keppel earliest by Sunday morning if winds permit.”
“However, the yacht of small size could arrive on Monday morning and thus; we are hoping for some great winds push them along.
“On Sunday, we will be there at Keppel Bay Marina to cheer these yachts with a Finish Line Festival (FLF)”.
The FLF is a family fun day out and it is for the yachters of all the ages. The event has been hosted by Waterline Restaurant.
From lunchtime, 11th Club Marine Brisbane to Keppel, will get a live entertainment on the lawn with bar operating and the Sailors, to see the boats coming a barbeque has been set up in the marquee.